Project presentation

The 2-years Inclusive Mobility project is funded by the Erasmus + Youth and Sports Agency from February 2019 to January 2021. It aims at providing accessible information for youth with disabilities about all stages of the mobility path (pre-departure, on-site, return)
The project also allows youth structures and youth workers to better understand the challenges faced by youth with disabilities while travelling abroad. It also brings together actors of disability and those of international mobility by involving young people with disabilities, their families and carers, youth workers and youth associations.

Ahead (Ireland) is the national centre for Inclusive Education. It works with higher education sector to improve the transition for students with disabilities into education and employment.

Droit au Savoir (France) is an inter-associative and cross-disability collective that promotes the pursuit of studies of young people with disabilities over 16 years old until their professional integration.

Erasmus Student Network France is a student association network to welcome international students and raise awareness about international mobility.

Jugendinfos (Austria) is the national network of Austrian Youth Information Centres coordinating national youth information projects and training youth workers. It is also the national agency for EURODESK.

SV-Bildungswerk (Germany) was founded by former student representatives. The objective is fostering skills upgrading and knowledge sharing between high school unions, thus focusing on peer-learning and democratic education.

Udruga Zamisli (Croatia) is an association promoting quality education for young people with disabilities. It is a support and information center for young people with disabilities.
The project IMD is working closely with the Inclusive Mobility Alliance, working at the European level.
The Alliance is a network of European organisations to promote inclusive mobility for students with disabilities. 21 organisations with expertise on Higher Education mobility, youth mobility and disabilities gathered, following several goals :
- gather existing material, resources and research papers about inclusion of students with disabilities
- monitor and publish recommendations
- share widely resources and recommendations to improve inclusion of students with disabilities