The map should allow you to find key contacts in each country in order to help you organise your mobility.

Main Map

Droit au Savoir
Disability, Education
The National Association for the Right to Knowledge and Professional Integration of Young Disabled People, Droit au Savoir, was created in December 2001. The 10 founding members (AFM, ANPEA, ANPEDA, APAJH, APF, CFPSAA, FSEF, GIHP, LMDE, UNAFAM) representing all types of disabilities to promote and support schooling beyond the age of 16 and vocational training for young people with disabilities, were joined a few years later by 25 other organisations.

Erasmus Student Network France
International Mobility Awareness
Lucie Romelot – Project Manager
ESN France is a network of 36 student associations welcoming international students and raising awareness about international mobility.

Disability, Education
Lorraine Gallagher
AHEAD is an independent non-profit organisation working to creative inclusive environments in education and employment for people with disabilities. The main focus of our work is further education and training, higher education and graduate employment. (https://ahead.ie/)

Ombudsman for persons with disabilities
Disability, Youth information
Ombudsman for persons with disabilities is a national human rights organisation which protects, promotes and monitors human rights of persons with disabilities in Croatia in line with the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. The ombudsman receives complaints of violations of rights and can issue recommendations and warnings aimed at their addressing. The ombudsman also fights discriminations on the ground of disability and reports to the Croatian Parliament.

ESN Italy
Youth information, European and International mobility
ESN Italy, as university volunteer associations’ Network, not related to politics and religion, offers its services to foreign students hosted by italian universities and to italian agencies interested in exchange programs, and it is itself a no-profit association that pursues all the aims expressed in the Statute and Directives from the International Network which is part.

Erasmus Student Network Deutschland e.V.
Youth information, European and International mobility
Erasmus Student Network Deutschland e.V.
Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organisation. Our mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students.

Bezev – Behinderung und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit e.V.
Disability, European and International mobility
Bezev offers consultation for people with impairment/disability wanting to go abroad as well as professional advice for organizations interested in the topic of inclusion.
Since 2015 Bezev is commissioned by the BMZ as a center of excellence for the inclusion of volunteers with impairment/disability in the volunteer program “weltwärts”. That’s why we are working closely with different committees in the program and mediate between the BMZ and the civil society regarding different questions/matters of inclusion.

ESN Finland
Youth information, European and International mobility
ESN Finland is a national student organisation working towards international students and mobility. ESN Finland consists of 17 local sections all over Finland. ESN Finland is part of Erasmus Student Network, which operates in 40 countries and has more than 500 local sections in higher education institutions.

ESN Hungary
Youth information, European and International mobility
Erasmus Student Network Hungary exists to represent and support Erasmus and International societies (sections) in Higher Education Institutions around Hungary that welcome and support international exchange students coming to study in Hungary.
The main aim of ESN Hungary is to support international students with orientation and integration in Hungary, provide guidance and support to Erasmus society committees, encourage and promote the Erasmus programme to potential students from Hungary, and represent Hungary and its member universities at the international level of ESN.

Erasmus Student Network Sweden
European and International mobility
ESN Sweden is a non profit organisation, working on helping the mobility within Sweden and supporting the local sections.
Structure Romania 1
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Handicap manager
Structure Romania 2
Handicap structure

Prénom Nom
Handicap manager
Structure Poland 1
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Handicap manager
Structure Poland 2
Handicap structure

Prénom Nom
Handicap manager
Structure Slovakia 1
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Handicap manager
Structure Slovakia 2
Handicap structure

Prénom Nom
Handicap manager
Structure Belgium 1
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Belgium 2
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager

Disability, Youth information, European and International mobility, Social Innovation
Mobility manager
R2 Innovation is a Spanish social innovation organization based in Ibi, Alicante that focuses on the design and execution of innovative European projects to create a significant and lasting social impact. We are experts in the social, cultural and environmental fields. We have great experience in linking entrepreneurship and innovation.
We design projects in areas like creativity, culture, volunteering, inclusion and integration, functional diversity, environmental awareness and action, circular economy, employability, etc.
We collaborate with like-minded organizations, to build long-term mutual networks, to design and execute projects that help achieve the strategic objectives of these social, cultural and environmental organizations.
Structure Spain 2
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
United Kingdom
Structure Portugal 1
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Portugal 1
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Switzerland 1
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Switzerland 2
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Luxembourg 1
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Luxembourg 2
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Czech Republic
Structure Czech Republic 1
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Czech Republic 2
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager

Austrian Youth Information Centres / Eurodesk Austria
Youth information, European and International mobility
Aleksandar Pruvlovic
The Austrian Youth Information Centres are specialised on the preparation of information suitable for young people. Youth information services support young people in their development and provide free, up-to-date, relevant and understandable information. With these actions, our services and activities promote the empowerment of young people.
Overall 28 offices, in all federal states, offer nationwide services for young people between the age of 12 and 26. They, annually, answer approximately 170.000 enquiries about all youth-relevant topics, including education, work, living and mobility. Additionally, every year approximately 1.5 million visitors use the online services of the youth information centres.
In most cases, the Youth Info Centres are also the regional offices of the EU programmes Erasmus+ (youth) and European Solidarity Corps. Moreover, the National Network of the Austrian Youth Information Centres is the national representative of the following European networks: ERYICA, Eurodesk, EYCA.
Structure Austria 2
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Netherlands 1
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Netherlands 2
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Greece 1
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Greece 2
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Norway 1
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Norway 2
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Iceland 1
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Iceland 2
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Estonia 1
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Estonia 2
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Latvia 1
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Latvia 2
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Lithuania 1
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager
Structure Lithuania 2
Mobility structure

Prénom Nom
Mobility manager