They did it!
Three curative education nurses got to know each other during their training in Berlin and have since been working in various contexts in the field of care for disabled people. …
In late April 2021, the new platform inclusivemobility.eu was launched to support students with disabilities going on international mobility. If you are a student or if you are working for …
Hi, everyone, my name is Ivona Šeparović. I am a journalist, and I am 33 years old. Today I’m going to share with you stories of my challenges with mobility. …
The International Mobility with disabilities project aims to inform young people with disabilities about the opportunities they have to go on an international mobility trip and how they can receive …
Our project has reached its finish line !
After a 2,5 years journey, the International Mobility with Disabilities european project is coming to an end, and its consortium partners would like …
The International Mobility with Disabilities project informs young people with disabilities about opportunities for international mobility and the help and support available from associations, youth information centers and other structures …
Testimonials are coming soon !
If you have travelled abroad thanks to any mobility programme, you can share your own experience and advices by answering the questionnaire. Send your answers and a picture of you to the email address:
You can also discover other testimonials on MappED.