AHEAD: creating inclusive environments in education and employment for people with disabilities.
Phone AHEAD: +353 (1) 7164396
Email: ahead@ahead.ie
Website: https://ahead.ie/

Enable Ireland: providing disability services for children and adults with disabilities.
Website: https://www.enableireland.ie/
You can contact Enable Ireland through their website query box:
Irish Wheelchair Association: supporting people with physical disabilities to live active, equal, and independent lives.
Phone the Irish Wheelchair Association: +353 (1) 818 6400
Email: customercare@iwa.ie
Website: https://www.iwa.ie/

The Irish Deaf Society: seeking to achieve and promote the Equality and Rights of Deaf people in Ireland.
Text the Irish Deaf Society: +353 (86) 380 7033
Phone the Irish Deaf Society: info@irishdeafsociety.ie
Email: info@irishdeafsociety.ie
Website: https://www.irishdeafsociety.ie/
Skype: irishdeafsociety

Epilepsy Ireland: committed to working for and to meeting the needs of everyone with epilepsy in Ireland.
Phone Epilepsy Ireland: +353 (1) 4557500
Email: info@epilepsy.ie
Website: https://www.epilepsy.ie/

AsIAm: working to create a society in which every autistic person is empowered to reach their own personal potential and fully participate in society.
Website: https://asiam.ie/
You can contact AsIAm through their website query box: https://asiam.ie/contact-us/

Specialisterne Ireland: recruiting and supporting talented autistic people and people with dyspraxia/DCD and similar disabilities.
Website: https://www.specialisterne.ie/
You can contact Specialisterne through their website query box: https://www.specialisterne.ie/contact-us/
Dyslexia Association of Ireland: providing information, offering appropriate support services, engaging in advocacy and raising awareness of dyslexia.
Phone the Dyslexia Association of Ireland: +353 (1) 877 6001
Email: info@dyslexia.ie
Website: https://dyslexia.ie/
Cystic Fibrosis Ireland: providing advice and information to members on any issue relating to Cystic Fibrosis.
Phone Cystic Fibrosis Ireland: +353 (1) 890 311 211
Email: info@cfireland.ie
Website: https://www.cfireland.ie/contact